Unit 4 Getting there

What are we going to learn?


  • Types of transport
  • Travel Items


Past continuous

Past Simple


A trip from Ireland to Australia

A visit to Pompei

Planning a trip to Australia

A programme about the history of Australia

The aborigines of Australia

The Well of Aamzam

How to get information in a airport etc.


Types of transport

airliner (ér láiner) – avión de pasajeros
airplane (ér pléin) – avión
bicycle (báisikl) – bicicleta
bike (báik) – bici

boat (bóut) – barco

ship  barco
bus (bas) – autobús
canoe (kanú) – canoa, piragua
car (car) – coche

cruiser (krúser) – crucero
ferry (férri) – transbordador
glider (gláider) – planeador
helicopter (hélicópter) – helicóptero

hot air ballon (hót ér balún) – globo aerostático
jet plane (dchét pléin) – avión a reacción
moped (móuped) – ciclomotor
motorbike (móutorbáik) – motocicleta

motorboat (móutorbóut) – lancha
ocean liner (óushen láiner) – transatlántico
pickup truck (pikáp trák) – camioneta
raft (raft) – patera

rocket (róket) – cohete
roller skates (róuler skéits) – patines
sailboat (séilbóut) sailing boat – velero
scooter (skúter) – escúter

ship (ship) –  barco
skateboard (skéitbord) – monopatín,
tram – tranvía

taxi cab (táxi cáb) – taxi
train (tréin) – tren
Lorry – camión
van (van) – furgoneta

wagon (wágon) –  carreta

cart= carro, carreta

coach= autocar




more vocabulary

Past Continuous and Past Simple

  1. The most common use of the past continuous tense is to talk about something that was happening around a particular time in the past. At 4:00, in 1999, in the afternoon…….
  • What were you doing at 8 o’clock last night? I was watching television.

I started watching television before 8 o’clock and I continued watching it after 8 o’clock.

  • In 1994 he was working in a small town in Poland.
  • At 6 o’clock on Saturday morning we were travelling to the airport.
  1. We often use the past continuousand the past simpletense together. When this happens, the past continuous describes a longer, ‘background’ action or situation, and  an activity  and the past simple describes the action or events.
  • When I woke up this morning it was raining and my father was singing in the kitchen.
  • I was walking home, whistling happily, when I saw two masked men run out of the bank.

Often, the ‘action’ described by the past simple tense interrupts the ‘situation’ described by the past continuous tense.

  • I broke my leg when I was skiing.
  • I was playing a computer game when the doorbell rang.

Notice that the past continuous describes ‘situations’ activities that go on for some time – ‘skiing’ and ‘playing’ but the past simple describes ‘actions’ that happen quickly – ‘broke’ and ‘rang’.

Notice too the important difference between these two sentences.

  • When they arrived, Jeff was cooking dinner. Jeff started cooking before they arrived.
  • When they arrived, Jeff cooked dinner. Jeff started cooking dinner after they arrived

exercises: one   two     three     four   five  six

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